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Here are your FREE Gifts!

Welcome…We’re So Excited You’re Here!

Thank you so much for visiting Beauty for Ashes Mentoring. 
You have come to the right place, and you are not alone.

Hope and healing for your mind, body, and soul are here!

My sincere hope is these gifts will provide peace and comfort at a time when you probably need it most.

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If you’re new to journaling, try starting with 5 minutes and work your way up to 20 minutes a day.


20% off 1-on-1 Mentoring

Sessions for 2 months.
(8 Sessions)


3 Powerful Ways to Begin Healing Your Mind, Body

and Soul

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Do you enjoy reading?

Take your time, and read our Blogs that have been written with you in mind. Essential topics covered include Boundaries, Emotional Triggers, and Resentment.

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Through healing mentoring, you’ll receive help understanding what has happened, what to do now, and how to move forward. 
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